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This Known Issue Report is related to the Availability Calendar page

Adding Availability Issues

The save button does not work when adding availability to the calendar via date range. [But if you close and refresh it is there] Also, not sure if it's a bug, but availability does not get added to the calendar via default allocations in the setup wizard, it must be done manually with the date range.
Courtney (Good Hostel) @ Tue, 07 Feb 2017 17:54:11 -0800 said:
I want this also!

Petre (HostelSnap Support) @ Thu, 16 Feb 2017 00:01:45 -0800 said:
- first issue was a small bug. fixed now

- as for the second issue, it requires more discussion with @darren85 and @courtneyloechl86 

When you add a new room type, the form asks for the "Default allocations". Those are allocations for one room of this type.

On HS Full, you are then required to create rooms. If you create 2 rooms of that type, the allocations table will have by default 2x"Default allocations" for that room type.

On HS Express we don't even have the page where you can create rooms. So the system will have by default 0x"Default allocations" for that room type.

So the question is now, how do you want to handle this on HS express?
The first options I think about are:

1. create another field called "Nr of rooms of this type" on the new room type creation form, and based on that field create that number of rooms in the background? 

2. have the allocations table default allocations to the "Default allocations" value for HS express. In this case we should also change the tooltip description for that field. Also there might be some confusion later on if they make the switch to HS full.

Do you have any other suggestion?