Accept bookings directly on your hostel website

HostelSnap is the most affordable way to accept direct bookings

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This Known Issue Report is related to the Current Guests page

Marketing Source Error

This is a returning guest. When I originally checked her in, her marketing source was "Internet - Other" and I typed in a Pinterest when it asked for more info. When checking her in to her second reservation when she returned a couple days later, Pinterest is automatically typed into the marketing source rectangle. When we click "Go to payment". The error message asking to the "Please select marketing source" pops up, and we can not continue the check in process. If we delete Pinterest and/or try typing something else, the same error message pops up. We are unable to check in this guest. I tried creating a new reservation that and making the deposit payment an offline payment so she would not have to be refunded and pay again. This resulted in the same problem however. I ended up having to check her in as walk in guest and subtracted the deposit payment ($42) from her total.
Chadwick (Pacific Tradewinds Hostel) @ Sun, 09 Jul 2017 20:19:37 -0700 said:
I want this also!

Darren (HostelSnap Support) @ Sun, 09 Jul 2017 22:19:30 -0700 said:
@neeeeeeext Anything that prevents us from being able to check in a guest is very important so I have moved this to your current to do. Hopefully, it's easy.  

I haven't heard from you recently.  I'm hoping to get some of these client reported cards done before you leave.